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利用昆明市1951—2010年逐日气象数据,采用回归分析法和Mann-Kendall突变分析法进行分析和检验,确定了昆明市极端降水和极端温度天气事件。在此基础上,对昆明长水机场极端天气背景下大雾天气航班安全运行开展研究,并在对比昆明长水机场与原巫家坝机场大雾特点的基础上,制定出航班安全运行的应对措施。研究表明,近几年昆明市极端温度和极端降水事件呈现增多趋势;因地形原因,长水机场出现大雾的频率远高于原巫家坝机场;大雾造成的低能见度天气背景下,航班的安全运行需要航空公司各部门的通力协作。  相似文献   
高原涡作为经常给我国带来暴雨等灾害的天气系统,其形成一般认为是通过感热和潜热自下而上激发的,然而,2013年5月下旬发生的一次引发其下游灾害性强降水的高原涡却是由对流层高层天气尺度低涡诱发的。为此,基于新发展的多尺度子空间变换和多尺度能量涡度方法以及ERA5再分析资料对其动力学过程进行了详尽的探讨,先将原始场重构到三个尺度子空间,即背景环流尺度子空间、天气尺度子空间和高频尺度子空间,重构场上首次显示此次过程生成于青藏高原西北侧,其成因为对流层高层基本气流尺度向天气尺度的跨尺度动能正则传输,即正压失稳,并且表现为从高层向下。在发展阶段,其能量最终来源为基本气流向天气尺度的有效位能传输和非绝热加热,然而这些过程只发生于涡旋低层的西侧。进一步分析发现,天气尺度内存在一个能量再分配“路径”:首先,低层西侧获得的有效位能转换为动能,西侧垂直的气压梯度力做功将低层获得动能向高层分配;在高层,水平的气压梯度力做功进而将西侧获得的动能向东侧分配;东侧垂直的气压梯度力做功再将动能向低层分配;至此,低层西侧获得的能量被分配到整个涡旋空间中,使得涡旋能够均匀发展。  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2001,1(4):451-464
The paper investigates the role that the clean development mechanism (CDM) could play in enhancing the effectiveness of north–south technology transfer. This is done by first exploring the issue of technology transfer in the context of existing north–south experiences to bring out the basis for the poor and unsatisfactory performance. This is followed by bringing out the intrinsic relevance of appropriate technology transfer for combating the global climate change issue.The paper then analyses the potential for such an appropriate and sustainable transfer, as well as effective diffusion and deployment of technologies under the CDM. Various aspects of the evolving design of the CDM are investigated to analyze the potential for overcoming the historical barriers across the north–south divide.Any potential for technology transfer under the CDM would need to be supported by an effective framework in the developed countries as well as a conducive environment in developing countries. In searching for such a cooperative and complementary model, the paper analyses the current Dutch strategy to bringforth certain salient features that could be applicable for other countries.Finally, a Japanese model for technology transfer is developed which can build upon domestic strengths as adopt applicable features of the Dutch strategy in order to capitalize any latent potential under the CDM. This is done by first investigating the effectiveness of the existing Japanese technology transfer framework and then extending recommendations for adapting it to reflect the shifting resource flow paradigms under the climate change regime.  相似文献   
This paper presents a technique developed for the retrieval of the orientation of crop rows, over anthropic lands dedicated to agriculture in order to further improve estimate of crop production and soil erosion management. Five crop types are considered: wheat, barley, rapeseed, sunflower, corn and hemp. The study is part of the multi-sensor crop-monitoring experiment, conducted in 2010 throughout the agricultural season (MCM’10) over an area located in southwestern France, near Toulouse. The proposed methodology is based on the use of satellite images acquired by Formosat-2, at high spatial resolution in panchromatic and multispectral modes (with spatial resolution of 2 and 8 m, respectively). Orientations are derived and evaluated for each image and for each plot, using directional spatial filters (45° and 135°) and mathematical morphology algorithms. “Single-date” and “multi-temporal” approaches are considered. The single-date analyses confirm the good performances of the proposed method, but emphasize the limitation of the approach for estimating the crop row orientation over the whole landscape with only one date. The multi-date analyses allow (1) determining the most suitable agricultural period for the detection of the row orientations, and (2) extending the estimation to the entire footprint of the study area. For the winter crops (wheat, barley and rapeseed), best results are obtained with images acquired just after harvest, when surfaces are covered by stubbles or during the period of deep tillage (0.27 > R2 > 0.99 and 7.15° > RMSE > 43.02°). For the summer crops (sunflower, corn and hemp), results are strongly crop and date dependents (0 > R2 > 0.96, 10.22° > RMSE > 80°), with a well-marked impact of flowering, irrigation equipment and/or maximum crop development. Last, the extent of the method to the whole studied zone allows mapping 90% of the crop row orientations (more than 45,000 ha) with an error inferior to 40°, associated to a confidence index ranging from 1 to 5 for each agricultural plot.  相似文献   
针对目前全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)中伪距单点定位(SPP)技术的定位精度已不能满足现代大多数应用场景的需求,提出了一种附加高度约束的滚动时域估计(MHE)算法,以此来改善SPP的定位性能. 附加高度约束的MHE算法是将接收机的位置高度作为非线性约束加入到SPP的估计参数中,并采用近似MHE算法来进一步提高定位精度的优化算法. 结果表明:高度约束的MHE滤波比传统最小二乘(LS)的滤波具有更好的平滑特性,同时随其视窗大小的增加,其定位精度得到了进一步改善. 验证了附加高度约束MHE方案的有效性、可行性,所得结果对SPP的实际应用具有重要的参考意义.   相似文献   
袁敏  平凡  李国平 《大气科学》2018,42(5):1000-1012
利用多种资料对2011年第9号热带气旋“梅花”的两次路径转折过程进行诊断分析和数值模拟,结果表明:副热带高压、中纬度槽和越赤道气流等外部大环境场的变化对路径转向有影响,第一次路径转折期间,眼墙和螺旋云带分布变化不大;第二次路径转折前后,台风眼墙从双眼墙结构演变成明显的非对称结构,台风眼区发生了眼墙置换与合并,以及螺旋云带与眼墙合并过程。机制的定量分析表明:第一次转向期间,环境风场的纬向和经向分量对引导气流的贡献在83%以上,表明外部环境风场对其路径转向的影响较大,内部的风暴尺度风场对其路径转折的影响程度较小;第二次转向期间,风暴尺度场的纬向分量对引导引流贡献的百分比从23%上升到36%,经向分量对引导引流贡献的百分比介于35%~47%之间,表明内部非对称结构与外部大尺度环境流场对第二次路径转折都有影响。  相似文献   
2015年10月4日佛山龙卷过程的观测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
受1522号台风彩虹外围螺旋云带影响,2015年10月4日15时28分—16时(北京时)广东佛山出现了EF3级强龙卷并造成严重灾害。为了综合分析龙卷发生的多尺度环境背景场和龙卷的结构及强度变化等特点,进行了灾情调研,航拍龙卷灾情路径,走访龙卷目击者,确认龙卷路径及灾情级别,再结合多渠道获取的龙卷视频照片等资料以及观测资料进行分析研究,结果表明:(1)产生此次龙卷的超级单体存在于台风彩虹外围螺旋云带内;龙卷向西北偏北方向移动,触地时长为32 min,受灾路径长度为31.7 km,最大受灾直径为577 m,平均速度约为60 km/h,具有“移动速度快,影响范围广,破坏力强”的特点,其移动速度快慢似与超级单体强度和地面的粗糙度有关。(2)佛山地区中高层受偏南气流控制,水汽充足,地面有弱冷空气;珠三角喇叭口地形有利于气流的辐合与局地涡旋的产生;抬升凝结高度低,风垂直切变大,有利于龙卷的生成。(3)地面自动气象站气象要素表现出受龙卷环流影响的特征。3 s极大风速的大值带和3 s最低气压的低值带以及1 h累计降水大值中心呈现出与龙卷走向一致的东南—西北向带状分布;龙卷到来时其周围自动气象站气温和气压明显降低,风速明显增大,风向明显改变;降水在龙卷靠近前5—10分钟就开始明显增大,其大值中心位于龙卷路径的西侧。龙卷离开后气压比龙卷来临前有所升高,但气温较前降低。(4)龙卷出现在钩状回波前进方向的右后侧;降水大值区与雷达组合反射率大值区基本一致。地面风场的辐合中心与龙卷触地的位置基本一致,并且钩状回波的入流区与地面偏东风区相对应。龙卷风暴单体发展高度在4 km左右,具有低重心对流的特点。其前部存在回波悬垂,一条很窄的向西北倾斜的回波大值带可能与龙卷漏斗云墙有关。对应径向速度剖面图上为一条向西北倾斜的正、负速度交界区,构成一个逆时针旋转的涡旋带,切向剖面图上存在较强的辐合。(5)龙卷发展过程中伴随着龙卷风暴顶和风暴底的逐渐下降以及单体质心的下降,中气旋与龙卷涡旋特征的顶和底也随之逐渐下降。龙卷风涡旋特征的顶高和底高都略低于中气旋,并在龙卷触地时降至最低。龙卷涡旋的切变值远大于中气旋的切变值,且在龙卷强度最强时最大。   相似文献   
Based on 25-year(1987–2011) tropical cyclone(TC) best track data, a statistical study was carried out to investigate the basic features of upper-tropospheric TC–environment interactions over the western North Pacific. Interaction was defined as the absolute value of eddy momentum flux convergence(EFC) exceeding 10 m s~(-1)d~(-1). Based on this definition, it was found that 18% of all six-hourly TC samples experienced interaction. Extreme interaction cases showed that EFC can reach~120 m s~(-1)d~(-1) during the extratropical-cyclone(EC) stage, an order of magnitude larger than reported in previous studies.Composite analysis showed that positive interactions are characterized by a double-jet flow pattern, rather than the traditional trough pattern, because it is the jets that bring in large EFC from the upper-level environment to the TC center. The role of the outflow jet is also enhanced by relatively low inertial stability, as compared to the inflow jet. Among several environmental factors, it was found that extremely large EFC is usually accompanied by high inertial stability, low SST and strong vertical wind shear(VWS). Thus, the positive effect of EFC is cancelled by their negative effects. Only those samples during the EC stage, whose intensities were less dependent on VWS and the underlying SST, could survive in extremely large EFC environments, or even re-intensify. For classical TCs(not in the EC stage), it was found that environments with a moderate EFC value generally below ~25 m s~(-1)d~(-1) are more favorable for a TC's intensification than those with extremely large EFC.  相似文献   
汛期西南低涡移向频数的年际变化与降水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
段炼 《气象》2006,32(2):23-27
利用1960~1999年汛期西南低涡不同移向的数据资料与同期移向相对应站点的降水量进行同步相关分析和检验,并将通过显著水平a=0.05检验的两组资料用墨西哥帽子波进行分析。结果显示:这40年汛期中出现的西南低涡,在原地生消的占总数的一半以上,而能够继续移动发展的西南低涡以偏东路径为主;东北路径的西南低涡与该方向上太原、石家庄降水的相关比较好,偏东路径与汉口降水相关较好,移动总和与内江降水相关较好;从小波分析结果发现东北、偏东路径低涡出现次数与对应站点降水,在10年以上的时间尺度上它们的分布周期存在良好的对应关系。  相似文献   
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